Please help us to get more MA state reps and senators to co-sponsor our 5 Indigenous-centered bills that have just been re-filed in the MA legislature for the 2023-2024 session. The 2023-2024 Indigenous Legislative Agenda includes 5 priorities: Remove Racist Mascots, Honor Indigenous People’s Day, Celebrate and Teach Native American Cultures & History, Protect Native American Heritage, and Support the Education and Futures of Native Youth.
Please urge your state legislators to co-sponsor these 5 important bills today!

As a State Education Agency, the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education must engage in timely and meaningful consultation with stakeholders. Representatives of Indian tribes located in the state are explicitly identified as stakeholders. Research indicates the importance of a sustained focus on improving opportunities and outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native students, who have: 61.9% proficiency in English Language Arts; 52.6% proficiency in Math; and 42.4% proficiency in Science.
Bill Details
Bill Name: An Act providing for the creation of a permanent commission relative to the education of American Indian and Alaska Native residents of the Commonwealth
HD.932/ SD.1826 (Miranda/Comerford, Montaño)
Bill Description: Proposing a permanent commission towards improving educational outcomes and opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students. Broader impacts of the commission are the promotion of tribal self-determination by providing students with the opportunity to learn their heritage, languages and histories while preparing them for higher education.
Contact: Jean-Luc Pierite