An Act establishing Indigenous Peoples Day:
Segment from the 1/11/22 MA Indigenous Legislative Agenda Teach-In
Bill Name: An Act Establishing An Indigenous Peoples Day
HD.468/SD.268 (Barber/Comerford)
Please contact your State Senator and State Representative https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator and ask them to support this bill!
Bill Description: This bill replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day in the Massachusetts General Laws. Changing the 2nd Monday in October to Indigenous People’s Day acknowledges the harmful impact of celebrating Columbus as a hero. Historical accounts prove that wherever they went, Columbus and his men murdered and enslaved Indigenous People. The repercussions continue to be keenly felt even now. Indigenous Peoples Day replaces something negative with something positive – an increased awareness of Indigenous Peoples and a celebration of Indigenous resilience and survival, in MA as well as throughout the Americas.
Please visit IndigenousPeoplesDayMA.org for more information about this campaign.
Contact: info@IndigenousPeoplesDayMA.org