THREE MA INDIGENOUS AGENDA BILLS BEING HEARD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 25: Ban the Mascots bill, Native Education bill, and Native Heritage bill.
Here’s the info for the 3 bills that are being heard before committees on Tuesday!
S.274/H.443, An Act prohibiting the use of Native American mascots by Public Schools in the Commonwealth. Joint Committee on Education, MA State House Hearing Room A1, 10 am on 6/25. Action Alert here.
H.444, An Act Providing for the creation of a permanent commission relative to the education of American Indian and Alaska Native residents of the Commonwealth. Hearing is on 6/25 (same day and same committee as the mascots bill). Joint Committee on Education, Hearing Room A1, 10 am on 6/25. Action alert here.
H. 2948/S.1811, An Act to Protect Native American Heritage. Joint Committee on Tourism, Hearing Rom B-2.,11 am. Action alert here.
You can write your letters in advance of the meeting on June 25 or after the meeting, But do plan to get those letters in with in the next week! Details provided in the action alerts for each bill.
- Action Alert for Ban the Mascots bill.
- Action Alert for Native Education bill.
- Action Alert for Native Heritage bill.
Information on the other two bills:
-The state flag & seal bill is not scheduled for committee hearing yet.
-The Indigenous Peoples Day Bill was heard in early June – but we still urgently need more letters from you to get it out of committee! More information on submitting letters here.